
  • Lay the foundation for data-driven decisions by tying production practices back to each field.
  • Track when and where farmers plant your contracted crop.
  • Collect field-specific fertilizer, and spraying details.

Key Fields

  • Enter parameters that drive your scouting activities including the number of scouts on staff, the number of samples they can record each day and the acres planted to each seed product.
  • Use computing power to first determine the number of key fields appropriate for each scout and product combination, then automatically select key fields to maximize the distance between them.
  • The result is a crystal clear checklist of work to be performed by each scout.


  • We work with you to design and build a custom data entry form that aligns with your existing scouting practices and reporting objectives.  
  • As scouts populate and submit the scouting form, your picture of the crop will take shape in real-time.
  • Run reports by product, zone, or scout.

Yield Projection

  • Project crop yield by tying scouting observations, such as stand and kernel counts, back to each field.
  • Use hourly weather data to drive field-specific maturity projections and prepare your receiving operations as each product matures.  
  • Make better grain buying and selling decisions than your competition based upon better crop visibility.

Grain Samples

  • Aggregate data from many sampling locations into one interactive database where you can run reports across all locations the moment each record is stored.  
  • Consider the value of capturing which field or bin each load comes from in order to segregate the crop by similar quality characteristics.
  • Create a more fluid process that accommodates data capture across a variety of test sequences.